Calluses on the feet – Some simple cares to show off beautiful feet this summer!

Calluses on the feet – Some simple cares to show off beautiful feet this summer!

After spending the entire winter with closed shoes, it is normal that some calluses on our feet appear. On today’s post, we will talk about this very common infection e what we can do to easily eliminate calluses. How? With some very simple homemade tricks! You will show off your sandals and flip-flops with all the pleasure in the world!

On the EscapeShoes’ post, a very common topic and, at the same time, easy to remedy: the calluses on the feet! Are you ashamed sometimes about using open shoes? Is it hard for you to wear those clogs that you like so much, because you don’t want them to see your cracked heels? Today, we explain to you how you can put an end to all of this! Did you read our previous post about nail fungus? Together with this post, you will have well complete information so that you feel proud to show your feet.

We start by informing you that the technical name to refer to calluses or thickness of the skin is hyperkeratosis. It is produced through the accumulation of keratin, which is a protective protein. What is accumulated is, nothing more and nothing less, than the dead skin cells. In reality, it is not a serious infection, it is simply a defence mechanism to prevent, for example, painful blisters from appearing.


Below, we will go over some key points:

  1.        Which are the most common symptoms?

–          Thickness of the outermost layer of the skin, thus being more hardened and thicker;

–          It has a more flaking and dry look;

–          It presents a yellowish or whitish colour;

–          It is generally odourless, but it can get irritated, thus causing annoyances and redness.


  1.        What are the most frequent causes?

Most of the time, it is produced due to the friction with the shoes or due to the pressure of the bone structures with the skin. In the case of the existence of malformations in the bones or a bad posture as you walk, this infection will be even more common.


  1.        Which are the areas of the feet where they appear with more frequency?

Calluses may appear in any part of the foot, but there are some more exposed areas:

–          The toes. More specifically, the little and the big toes are usually the most effected. The cause is the friction that may be produced by some type of shoe that is narrower on the toecap, which pressures the sides.

–          The soles of the feet. Especially, on the most cushioned area, where the toes fold. It is produced due to an overload that falls, usually, on this part of the foot.

–          The heel. The cause is also the overload, but, in this case, it is also due to the lack of hydration. As you know, it can give place to non-aesthetic cracked feet and problems with a difficult cure.


  1.        What precautions can we take to prevent hyperkeratosis?

It is important to pay attention to the shoes that we use. We should try that they are made of soft and flexible materials where the feet feel free, thus avoiding that the area of the toes feels pressured. Here are some small details that you should take into account:

–          Avoid high heel shoes, especially on a daily basis. High heels make that the majority of our body weight falls on the front of the foot. By avoiding them, we will be able to share the weight in a more suitable manner.

–          Use personal shoes and avoid sharing them with other people. Shoes adapt to the shape of the foot that wears them and, since each one of us has different feet, it can cause friction in distinctive areas.

–          Try not to use the same shoes every day. It is very important to vary and to have several pairs so that you will be able to alternate them. This way, we will be able to prevent frictions always on the same areas of the foot.

–          Avoid walking barefoot. Without a doubt, walking without shoes strengthens the muscles of our feet, but the pressure that is exerted on the sole may cause the accumulation of the keratin that we mentioned previously.

–          Use cotton socks without roughness. Most of all, we should have a special care at the time of doing physical or sporting activities.


  1.        Do you want to know how you can take care of calluses? We also include some homemade remedies!

We all know that the foot file and the pumice stone are two indispensable utensils. The use of specific creams that contain salicylic acid, glycolic acid, urea or tretinoin are also a big help. Why? For several reasons:

–          They dissolve the keratin;

–          They are exfoliating;

–          They soften the skin;

–          They increase hydration.

Of course, if the infection remains, thus causing great discomfort, the best thing to do is to see a podiatrist. The specialist may believe that it is convenient to remove the calluses with a scalpel.


It is important that you know, effectively, with this system is stays removed. However, calluses may come back over time. Therefore, it is also important to know the reason for their origin. Usually it is resolved with a custom-made footbed or support. Ah! And people with diabetes are more prone!

So that you can treat this really common infection from your house, we invite you to learn some super easy methods.

–          To place your feet in hot salt water to soften the calluses is a trick that works really well. After that, you should remove the skin with the pumice stone or foot file and apply exfoliating cream.


–          Another amazing method to soften is to place leek leaves in wine vinegar and to leave them macerate for a day. Soak your feet in the vinegar and use the pumice stone to eliminate the skin excess.

–          Alternatively, place the feet in chamomile water. You just need to boil 1 litre of water and add a spoon or two of chamomile.

–          Put a garlic clove over the callus and let it act. You can easily hold it with tape.

–          You can also try to rub the affected area with a half a onion, lemon juice or Aloe Vera.


–          A very effective system is to add 5 or 6 aspirins to 1 spoon of squeezed lemon juice. You should apply the paste that is formed over the hardness, cover with cling film and let it act for 15 minutes. After that, pumice stone and you’re ready!

Sometimes, the feet are a part of our body that we neglect. However… of course! Summer arrives and, together with it, the sandals… and… it is then that we remember! Do not forget that our feet are the ones that sustain us day-to-day and deserve a special care throughout the year.

Are you going to put into practice these tips that we showed you today? You will show off beautiful feet and you will want to show them! You will notice the difference in a short period of time! Now you just have to choose your favourite shoes at EscapeShoes and place your order!

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